Unbundling, DuckDuckGo, and Native Advertising

I tweeted earlier, comparing DuckDuckGo to Google when searching for the term “Go 1.4 beta”, and how the first 50 results (I got bored scrolling and didn’t go further, no pun intended) on DuckDuckGo didn’t even have one mention of the language. Gabriel Weinberg being the good founder that he is (he seems very smart, and I highly respect what he’s doing) replied asking for more examples of things queries that he can investigate to improve, so I figured I’d use the opportunity to leverage my thoughts, instead of the discussing the symptoms. Continue Reading →


I’m starting to think that the ramp up in sapphire production from Apple isn’t about a screen, but TouchID sensors on every Apple product… Continue Reading →

A bigger iPhone

With rumors swirling about a bigger iPhone 6, I figured I’d touch on them (haha, puns). A few years ago, I thought the idea of a larger iPhone would be something I disliked. With my small-ish hands, even the iPhone 5’s 4 inch screen is too large for me to reach the back button in the top left corner of the screen with one hand.

But now, since iOS 7, I don’t fear a bigger phone, I would even welcome one.  Continue Reading →

Go for Objective-C developers

I’ve been doing Objective-C for almost 5 years (woo!), so at this point I think I have a better understanding than most of Apple’s motivations and intentions, with relation to building the language.

That said, recently I’ve been loving working with Go, and there’s a few reasons for that. Continue Reading →

Come See Me

It's short notice, but I’m giving a talk Stony Brook University tonight about How Startups Fail. So if you find yourself in the middle of… Continue Reading →

Five Reasons to be and not be a developer in New York in 2014

The Good

1. You can’t just get funding for any old idea.

Being the financial capital world means that people are wary of giving money to stupid ideas. Ok, ok, less wary, but it still happens. But New York is very grounded with respect to technology, and that gives me [some] confidence in the ideas that are being funded here. Continue Reading →