Aaron Swartz’s Raw Thoughts

I spent a good amount of time over the weekend reading Aaron Swartz’s blog, shortly after his untimely passing. In short, I never new him, and so I don’t want to rehash everything that’s been said, but judging by what I’ve read, he was a brilliant person. So I leave you with a few blog entries that I found particularly insightful, interesting, and helpful. Some are longer, some are shorter, but I’d recommend giving them all a read. Continue Reading →

Wunderlist is wunderful. Could be wunderfuler.

It’s not their fault.

tldr; It sucks that iOS apps can’t update in the background, but I get why Apple does this. No biggie, it would just make a lot of apps better, but at the cost of thinking about battery consumption.

P.S. You can’t read 200 words, really? Continue Reading →

Is a $329 iPad mini Good Business?

I posed a question earlier today about Apple’s new iPad mini pricing. Is there anyone who would have bought the iPad at 299thatwouldntpurchaseitat299 that wouldn't purchase it at 329? My guess is no. There are reasons such as brand/price perception, the supposed $299 psychological barrier, and more that I don’t want to really cover, so I’ll pose it as a simple mathematical statement. Continue Reading →

An App Store Retrospective

Four years ago today, the Apple App Store launched, changing the face of software distribution. Anyone from a curious 13-year old to a grizzled developer who lived through learning Pascal can release an app and hope to strike gold. Even Apple’s own operating systems are distributed with this model now. I distinctly remember my first thoughts on the matter. I was standing in line for the iPhone 3G, not for myself, but for a coworker who I had convinced to upgrade (so I could get his original iPhone). Imagine, the internet in my pocket, anywhere I went. The future had arrived for me. Four years later, this has become commonplace. But I do remember being asked on that line, “so what do you think about this app store?” by a curious line stander. I didn’t have much background actually developing software yet, so I heartily told him “Eh, you can already download apps from Installer, who cares where you get it from?” (Sidenote: Remember Installer?)

Well, as it turns out, it was kinda a big deal.  Continue Reading →

Back from the Mac

iOS 6 ends up bringing a lot of interesting new features to the regular user, and looking over the API differences, not a lot on the developer side of things. iOS 5 was a gigantic leap for developers, starting with ARC, Storyboards, and a bajillion1 APIs opened up. I’m willing to bet that this is becoming Apple’s calling card. One on, one off, is now to be prevalent in designing both hardware and software.

A pattern is emerging that makes it seem pretty likely: Continue Reading →

  • iPhone 3G, 3GS.
  • iPhone 4, iPhone 4S.
  • Leopard, Snow Leopard.
  • Lion, Mountain Lion.
  • iOS 5, iOS 6.

Create a Catchy Phone Number for $3 With Google Voice

When I was a kid, I used to try and make words and phrases out of my phone number, because before the internet we had nothing better to do. These days, if you want a custom phone number, there is a way to do it for only $3. So, here’s a quick little life hack for you.

When you sign up for Google Voice, they offer you the ability to pick your own phone number, from the pool of numbers that they own. I used Google Voice for a couple of years, before ultimately deciding to port my number to my carrier. The process to port your number only costs $3, a phone call to your carrier, and a few hours of waiting for it to go through (in which you can continue to use your phone). Continue Reading →

WWDC 2012 Predictions

I figure, might as well get these on the record, and afterwards we can all laugh at how wrong I am.

The Mac

It’s dead. Just kidding, it’s being revitalized. Continue Reading →

Thoughts on Apple’s Messages

The idea of a continuous client is something that has sent nerds’ hearts a flutter for a long time. No matter what device you pick up, you’ll have an up to date conversation log.

Now that Apple has released a beta of their Messages (formerly iChat) app, iMessage is more accessible than ever. (iMessage is the protocol, Messages is the app.) I’m toying with the idea of dropping AIM for straight iMessage. If you get an iMessage on your phone, it comes to your Mac, and vice versa. You can now reply to your friends without picking up your phone and poking a 3.5" glass screen.

A new problem that arises when using iMessage.  Continue Reading →

Security Chase

Go to your Chase account and enter your password. Now log out, and enter your password with a different pattern of capitalization. So if your password was Password, now try pASSWORD. I bet you it worked and Chase still let you into your account.

I’ll preface the coming diatribe with a statement about my expertise. I am not a security researcher and would never call myself an expert in the field of cryptography. I’m just a software developer who likes to poke around in security matters in as amateur a way as possible. The material covered here is a basic explanation, and there are many more factors in play. Feel free to contact me if you have more that you’d like to discuss. Continue Reading →